The Big Bad Web and my Online Presence

I’d never really considered the number of online identities or profiles that may exist under my name. If anything as a bit of a technology noob I would have estimated a number considerably below the double figures mark. It surprised nobody more than myself to learn that in fact my name, email, address and number are potentially stuck in the webs of at least 20 different online spaces. This ranges from social media, email, online shopping, Amazon, Spotify and numerous apps some of which haven’t been accessed since my delightful ‘Farm Frenzy’ playing days.

Dave White and Alison Le Cornu’s “Visitors and Residents” concept describes how individuals engage with the web and explores the way we use it in both a professional and personal manner. This idea made me reflect on how much the internet plays a role in not only my social but now my student and learning life. When it comes to the stresses of exam season online flashcards, question banks, YouTube and not to forget a trusted Google search form the basis for my revision. Even throughout the year lectures, tutorials, timetables and a huge proportion of learning is relayed to students through means of the web. Although, shocked by the sheer size of my online presence using the web and such resources is something we shouldn’t shy away from. We are in a fortunate position were sharing content, work, ideas and opinions has never been easier and we should take advantage of this to optimize our learning experience. Having only benefited from online learning so far, I can only hope that digital teaching will expand in years to come, even if it means adding to my web footprint. It may be time however, to say goodbye to some of the abandoned profiles that marked my youth.

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